FTP Drive for Windows 95 Program Description: FTP Drive assigns itself to a drive, such as F:. Files, Directories and Subdirectories copied to that drive will be transfered to the default FTP server as selected in FTP Map 97. It works in conjunction with FTP Map 97. FTP Drive and FTP Map 97 will give you both a map and a drive to transfer files to the FTP server. Installation & Options: No specific installation is required for FTP Drive, since it's installed during the installation of FTP Map 97. However, there are some options inside FTP Drive. Subst Path: Set this path to where you keep your SUBST.EXE. It must be correct in order for FTP Drive to work. If you are using Windows 95, this path will most probably be C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\SUBST.EXE. Subst Drive: Drive letter to use with FTP Drive. Please note that this must be an available drive letter, and should end with a colon. For example F: You can only use drive letters that are available. If you are out of drive letters, then you must increase the available drive letters by adding (or replacing) the command LASTDRIVE=Z in your CONFIG.SYS file. Path to FTP Map: The directory which contains your FTP Map 97 program. If you are unsure about this, then use the FIND button to the right of this input box. The FIND button will find FTP Map 97 for you. Directory Check Interval: Directory Check Interval tells FTP Drive how often to check the assigned drive for new files. Setting this value too low might cause your system to slow down. Try setting it to 1 second and if your system tends to slow down, set it higher. Using FTP Drive: In order for FTP Drive to work, you must previously have setup the settings of FTP Map 97. If you havent already done that, please read FTPMAP97.TXT for instructions on setting up FTP Map 97. After specifying the FTP Drive options, the rest should be easy. To start FTP Drive, and make it check and transfer new files, just press the START button. To disable FTP Drive just press the STOP button. To quit FTP Drive just press the EXIT button. If you dont want to have FTP Drive in your status bar, right-click on the FTP Drive form and select the 'Hide into System Tray' option. This hides FTP Drive in the most right corner of Windows 95. You can still start, stop, exit and maximize FTP Drive by right-clicking the FTP Drive icon in the system tray. Contact Information: Fastware PO BOX 1221 262 23 ENGELHOLM Sweden PHONE: +46-431-19970 FAX : +46-431-19970 Email: ftpmap@fastware.se Homepage: http://www.fastware.se/ftpmap/ If your FTPMap 97 Shareware archive was damaged in any way, please get it from: FTPDrive 97, copyright 1997 Fastware